Giving care on and off the jobsite, creating more than a work culture, creating a spirtiual loving family.
“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,”
Philippians 2:4-5
“I was just going to write a note about the counseling my wife and I did with the ProLift Counseling Care Benefit. There was a counselor on the list at [our location] that we set up an appointment with and my wife and I started going together. I had never done any counseling before but it turned out to help us a lot. Basically we just had an opportunity to open up about some hard times in our past that were causing problems in our marriage. The counselors did a good job of walking us through all that. It also encouraged me to grow as a man of faith. I want to lead my wife and family well by following the Lord. I’d recommend any employee who’s going through a hard time to use the free counselors on their branch list.
God Bless, Thank you..”
— ProLift Employee (anonymous) utilizing Christian Counseling
What’s New?!
What’s new at PLR? This Website! Our very own PLR Cares Website is our new source of information for our ProLift Cares Benefits and a whole lot more. Check out the ‘About’ tab for more details and don’t miss the ‘Cares Resources’ page for other recommended services.
If you have additional thoughts for improvement, please feel free to contact us to help make this site better for our whole ProLift Team.
ProLift Cares Teams
A ProLift Cares Team is a group of individuals at your branch that helps meet needs within their Branch Team by actively promoting the awareness and involvement of the other ProLift Cares Benefits provided to you. They have the desire and resources to help PLR employees find the ‘next step’ in utilizing the Cares Benefits. All members of the PLR Cares Teams are volunteer employees at your local branch who show support and demonstration of our Purpose, Mission, and Core Values.
Cares Team Events
PLR Cares Teams organize social and service events for employees, as well as assisting employees with PLR Cares benefits. The service opportunities allow employees to share God’s kindness with local not-for-profit organizations, chosen by ProLift employees. Social events are great for team building and fun together outside of work.
DND Team members enjoying a chili cook-off.
Dickinson, ND
Phoenix, AZ
Members of the Phoenix Team recently got CPR Certified.