List of all Benefits


Dave Ramsey / Financial Peace: This is a great resource to help you gain valuable financial wisdom and insight in order to be in complete control of your finances each and every week so that you can achieve all of your financial goals.

MKL Personal Financial Budgeting Service: Mark Loden has been helping people learn the important task of budgeting their money for almost 30 years, but most importantly, he gives you a proven system that works no matter how much money you make annually. The initial eight sessions of Mark’s Budgeting system, whether you meet by phone or through a zoom or google meeting, are provided to you for free.

ProLift Benevolence Fund: To often there are times in life when circumstances blindside us beyond what we can handle on our own. The PLR Benevolence Fund is designed to provide financial aid to fellow employees in cases like this, such as critical emergencies and times of tragedy (disaster, disease, massive medical needs, uncontrollable situations). The fund is built by ProLift employees who voluntarily give to the fund each week. If an unfortunate and unforeseen tragic event happens in your life, for you or your immediate family, fill out a fund request form and our administrative board will work to get you financial support on an as needed basis. You also can fill out an application for another employee in cases where they are unable to for themselves.

Keep in mind the funds are not intended for nonessential items and should not be considered insurance, workman’s compensation, or a savings plan

ProLift Cares One Team Scholarships: This outstanding benefit is meant to help off-set the cost of Trade School or College, and can be used at any accredited trade school or 4 year college or university for those ProLift employees with student’s who have completed one year of pursuing continuing education/training after High School. To be eligible, ProLift employees must be full-time and must have completed at least 90-days of continuous employment. There are $2,000 scholarships available for all who apply; two $3,500 scholarships and two $6,000 scholarships are available but require an essay and a vote by a third-party committee. The deadline for applications is June 17th, 2022.


Market Place Chaplains: ProLift is delighted to offer Marketplace Chaplains throughout the organization because all of us can benefit from having a friendship with someone who can be trusted, and whom we can share our struggles with and help us navigate life from a Christ-centered perspective.

Provided Christian Counseling: Sometimes life can simply be overwhelming. Having a trained, Christ-centered professional to speak with about all of life’s ups and downs can be a major turning point for some. All of us need counseling and professional guidance from time to time—whether it is due to marital stress, addiction, depression, anxiety, financial troubles, etc. Being able to understand and deal with whatever it is that has us “stuck in a rut” can be life changing. Your privacy and anonymity are fully protected.

Hope Restored: Every couple on the planet knows that having a great relationship with someone of the opposite sex takes work, patience, and a lot of time and even the best relationships experience strife and conflict from time to time. Unfortunately, instead of working through the issue(s) some relationships can end up in a bad spot, where two people may seem to just be surviving together instead of thriving with one another. No matter what the situation, when marital conflict reaches crisis mode and one party is considering ending the relationship, both parties need to know there is always hope available for healing the wounds and for a New Beginning.

Weekend Trips

Weekend To Remember: A free event for you and your spouse, fiance’, or significant other to enjoy a weekend together to learn about what it takes for couples to have a strong and vibrant relationship that lasts a lifetime.

JH Outback: JH Outback is a non-profit ministry that was founded as JH Ranch in California nearly 40 years ago. The JH Outback Adventures Program is designed to get family members away from the distractions of everyday life and into the "outback" (or undistracted environment) to focus on the relationships in life that matter the most: 1) their relationship with God, and 2) their relationship with their family. The following family combinations are eligible to attend: Husband and Wife, and Parent and Child (including Father/Son, Father/Daughter, Mother/Son, and Mother/Daughter) relationships, and there is a separate college age event. Children must have reached their 12th birthday in order to attend. Over the course of a 48-hour weekend (Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon), you will be able to invest invaluable one-on-one time with a family member.

Co.Tribute: Co.Tribute is a giving platform ProLift Cares uses to encourage all employees to donate time and money to charitable and ministry organizations in their local area. ProLift empowers you with $25 each month, that does not come out of your paycheck, to give to the approved organization of your choice. Also, you are incentivized both to give personally and by volunteering your time to support local organizations. This is an amazing opportunity for all of us to give back to the causes that mean the most to us individually and that we believe are making a genuine difference locally, and possibly, throughout the world.

ProLift Community Care Grant Program: The ProLift Community Care Program exists to help support local Christian and charitable organizations that help the underserved in our local communities. ProLift employees and their families are strongly encouraged to find and support various organizations of their own choosing to support with their time, resources, and money.

Building Communities

Team Building

Social Events: Everyone needs a break from the hectic pace of work from time to time, and, I would venture to say that many of us probably don’t know a lot about our co-worker’s, their families, and their interests outside of work. Since everyone enjoys a good time over a delicious meal what better way to allow us all to work on both of those needs---to take some time away from work and enjoy a great meal with one another’s families? The ProLift Cares Teams are asked to plan two social events per year—one in the summer and one in the winter--to help bridge this gap between the two worlds of ‘work life and home life’ and, to help us all build a strong bond of community and friendship through the process.

Alpha Course: An Alpha class is a ‘safe space’ to ask questions about life, the Christian faith, and much more. Alpha classes encourage anyone over 18 to attend and for everyone, regardless of their viewpoint, be offered a safe environment to express how they feel and what they think about each week’s topic.


RightNow Media@ Work: RightNow Media @Work is a video driven avenue of biblical resources. RightNow Media is a free benefit for you and your household to enjoy access to over 20,000 faith-based videos that you can access through phone, computer or TV.

The extensive video library covers topics on almost every subject of living including marriage, parenting, money, leadership, recovery, and more. There is also an entire video library dedicated just to kids!

Ready to Wed: Ready to Wed is a DVD series meant to help prepare engaged couples for a strong marriage together that is built on biblical principles and wisdom. This resource is a simple study to help all marriages get off on the right foot spiritually, emotionally, physically, and relationally in order to thrive in the years to come! In some areas, a mentor-couple can be assigned to help assist and support the newly married couple in the first few years of married life.

Working through this curriculum as a couple will help eliminate many of the surprises in a relationship that often can create tension. Such as how will the two of you handle money? How will you handle conflict? Will you plan to have children and if so, how will you raise them and discipline them?

If you are engaged to be married we are so excited for you and would be happy to share this resource to help you marriage have a great start.

The Freedom Fight: The Freedom Fight is a resource to help break the addition of any employee who struggles with using pornography. Many of us are aware that this struggle is a widespread issue that is only getting worse as our ability to access it increases. The resources that Freedom Fight uses give a biblical perspective on the immorality of pornography as well as guides on how to break the addiction.

Visit their website at to take the first step in healing from the damages pornography causes. There is also a book available to you called “The Freedom Fight” by Ted Shimer that covers the in-depth steps and details to walk with Christ in freedom from this addiction.

All Freedom Fight resources are strictly confidential.

Our ProLift Cares Benefits are available to our employees as soon as they are employed. Employees are encouraged to use as many benefits as are applicable, however, all benefits are optional to use and not required to be utilized.