Ready to Wed

Ready to Wed is a DVD series meant to help prepare engaged couples for a strong marriage together that is built on biblical principles and wisdom. This resource is a simple study to help all marriages get off on the right foot spiritually, emotionally, physically, and relationally in order to thrive in the years to come! In some areas, a mentor-couple can be assigned to help assist and support the newly married couple in the first few years of married life.

Working through this curriculum as a couple will help eliminate many of the surprises in a relationship that often can create tension. Such as how will the two of you handle money? How will you handle conflict? Will you plan to have children and if so, how will you raise them and discipline them?

If you are engaged to be married we are so excited for you and would be happy to share this resource to help you marriage have a great start. Reach out to your local Branch Care Team or contact Daniel Voss at 901.270.1255, or, go to